New espresso blend v2.1

From this week on we are using a new espresso blend composed out of three great beans. This blend is roasted by Caffenation and is blended in our house! This blend is nice as espresso and on filter and performs excellent in all milk based drinks. All beans are also sold separately..

The first shot!

New portafilters in the shop!

Finally they arrived! The new fully coated portafilters, done by Coffeehit in London. Thanks a lot guys..

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Domien our coffee guy in New York!

Thanks a lot Domien for the wonderfull Leftist Espresso Blend and the Amaro Gayo from Gimme Coffee. For next week we have some great coffees from the London area, Square Mile Coffee Roasters, Monmouth Coffee Company and Climpson&Sons. However more about this next week!

Mona Lisa with coffee!

Anfim grinder with Delta CTA timer

We have a mod on our big Anfim grinder. On the WBC we have seen the use of timers to dispense each time the same volume of ground in the basket, this to have the same extraction time each time. However they used only one timer. For our mod we will use 6 timer in parallel to be able to make a:

  • Normal single shot espresso
  • Normal double shot espresso
  • Radicale
  • A short single shot  espresso
  • A short double shot espresso
  • A triple shot ristretto

This will be quit some fun to set all the different timers, but when running they will run like hell! In search for timers we opted for the Delta CTA timers.


These timers make it able to time the grinding time up to 1/100 of a second, this should be more than accurate enough!

After setting up and running the timers for one month now, I can only say that it is a big improvement in both speed and consistency trough out the day. The biggest parameter that still has an influence now is the strength by which you tamp the coffee puck. So that is still something to work on..

Rwandu “Musasa Estate” and Kenia “Tiganga Estate” (In French)

Tinganga Estate


Traitement humide, séchage au soleil sur tamis

Tinganga est situé dans le district  de Kiambu dans les hautes terres du
centre du Kenya. Le domaine couvre environ 182 hectares et emploie 400
personnes. Cette ferme bénéfcie d’un sol volcanique bien drainé et situé
entre 1630m et 1935m. Une politique sociale stricte est appliquée  et aucun
travailleur n’est engagé en-dessous de 18 ans. Le domaine offre à ses
employés une habitation sur le site, de l’eau potable, du bois de chauffage,
la sécurité et une formation pour assurer une récolte de haut niveau.

Musasa Estate

Rushashi district

100% Red bourbon
Traitement humide

Onctueux, doux et éclatant,légèrement citronné avec de belles notes florales
Musasa produit des cafés lavés de très haute qualité depuis 2003. Cette coopérative comporte environ 800 membres dont la moitié sont des femmes, ce qui en fait une des plus importantes du Rwanda. La production annuelle est d’environ 100 tonnes.

Musasa fait partie du projet d’aide gouvernementale PEARL. Dans le cadre ce celui-ci, cette coopérative a pu bénéfcier de la construction d’une station de dépulpage. En contrepartie, Musasa s’engage à reverser 10% de ses profts pour la construction d’autres stations au Rwanda.

Text and images from Knopes Coffee Roasters

Aeropress of the week: 1936

This is a blend from Knopes Coffee Roasters in Luxembourg. And is composted out of Brazil (Pocos de Caldas), Guatemala (El Bosque) and Papua New Genui (Sigri). Flavours that are present: red fruits, citrus, spicy herbs. Very clean and nice in the cup!

More info about the Aeropress and where you can get it: see our new page on the blog.

Scrambled eggs and Panama Don Pachi coffee as breakfast

This morning I had a fabulous breakfast, specially suited for a barista. First we steamed up the eggs with our La Marzocco.

After that we pressed a great coffee from Panama (Don Pachi with is a Gheisa variental, roasted by Stumptown coffee roasters, thanks to Isa) on the Aeropress.

Happy New Year!!

Thanks a lot to everybody who helped us to make this year fantastic for us at Barchoq. We look forward to sharing many more exceptional coffee moments with you in 2010. Happy New Year!!


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